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News from Malawi 10 September 2019

A news update from Susan and Lynn in Malawi.  Read all about their trip into the countryside to visit two secondary schools and a shopping trip to buy chitenje... Click / tap here or on the photo above to read the full news article.


News from Malawi 6 September 2019

Latest news from Susan and Lynn in Malawi:  Business Training for the the ladies, small orders to make, and the arrival of the first of the new treadle sewing machines.  Click /  tap here or the photo above to read more...


Honorary President

Dr Mary Shawa is now the Homonary President and Ambassador for Chanasa.  She will promote Chanasa and liaise with embassies and Ministries and try to get orders.


News from Malawi 2 September 2019

Susan has now been in Malawi for 10 days and has met with Elizabeth, the group leaders and the trustees of Chanasa.  She has been busy getting meetings set up and sorting out the new sewing machines and many other things.


Chanasa Business Training

Monday 1 July – Friday 5 July is the first week of Business training for the Chanasa Women.  This is the first of 3 weeks of training which is being provided by COMSIP (Community Savings and Investment Promotion)  an organisation based in Blantyre.


Charity Concert Success

The Concert on Friday 12 April 2019 was a great success. It was well attended and the choirs were excellent. Thank you to all who attended and especially all who helped.


Fashion Revolution Week 22-28th April 2019

Fashion Revolution Week is the annual #whomademyclothes campaign in April, which happens around the date of 24th April, the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, where 1,138 people were killed and many more injured.


March 2019 Womens and Trustees Meetings in Malawi

On Saturday 23 March 2019 the Chanasa Trustees met in the morning followed by the six monthly Womens meeting in the afternoon.  part of this was a celebration of Chansa's 5th Anniversary.

