30 years of Fair Trade Celebration and Chifundo Fashion Show

Fair Trade Fortnight was in September this year to mark its 30th Anniversary. On Saturday 14th September, there was a good turnout to celebrate with Fair Trade Chester and Chifundo UK. There was a short presentation on Fair Trade with a message that we can buy Fair Trade to make a Difference. This was followed by a presentation on my latest visit to Malawi with Chanasa’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations, jewellery workshops with the 6 women’s groups and the work of the Lotus Project. Then came the fashion show with 6 Chifundo ladies taking part and a young girl from St Columbas Church who did brilliantly. Stylish good quality denim and cotton clothing which had been embellished by the sewing group was displayed by the models on the catwalk. Refreshments and sale of products ended the afternoon with £366 being raised. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way.  Susan