
Click on the title or the photo for the full news item.

SOKO Fund bags

Soko fund bags with Soko Fund Graduate students at the launch of their Graduate Association.


Wanted: Sewing Machines


Fashion Revolution Week 24th to 30th April 2017

Fashion Revolution, a global civil movement, is trying to clean up the $3trn fashion industry based on low wage economies. During Fashion Revolution Week we are asked to find out and answer the question ‘Who made my clothes?’ as well as to love our clothes and to want to make them last a long time. So Chifundo UK that supports a sister charity Chanasa – a Women’s Enterprise in Malawi organized a Spring Fashion Show with a Difference. Click on the picture for the full story.


Successful Evening in Edinburgh

The One World Shop in Edinburgh held a Malawi Evening on Thursday 16 March.  Akuzike, who worked for Chanasa in Malawi last summer, gave a talk about the work of Chanasa and Chifundo.


Buy Malawian 2017

The Scotland Malawi Partnership are promoting a Buy Malawian 2017 competition on their website. See: for more information and to enter the competition.


Buckley Cwtyn Fair Trade Evening

Buckley Cwtyn Fair Trade Evening on Thursday 9 March 2017 at Buckley was a great success.  There was a illustrated talk, fashion show, sale of goods made by Chanasa in Malawi and by the Sewing Group in Chester together with refreshments.  £261 was taken on the stall which is a fantastic result.  Thank you to all those who took part and to all those who supported the event.


Chester Fun Day

Women Making a Difference had a stall at the Chester Fairtrade Fun Day in the Grosvenor Park, Chester on Saturday 4 March 2017.  The stall sold products made by Chanasa in Malawi and by the sewing group in Chester and took £100.  Women Making a Difference and Chifundo trustees manned the stall and an enjoyable, if cold, time was had by all.


Fashion Revolution

Please see this link for information about Fashion Revolution, the biggest global movement campaigning for a fairer, safer, cleaner fashion industry.

