
Click on the title or the photo for the full news item.

Fashion Show with Illustrated Talk

An Illustrated Talk with Fashion Show
Fairtrade Chanasa Products Stall
FRIDAY 23 June at 7:30 pm
St David’s Church
St David’s Lane, Mold, CH7 1LH
Tickets: Adults £3 under 18 £1.50 (including refreshments)

Please publicise.


Chifundo Cyclone Freddy Appeal 2023 Report

Susan Flynn has written a report on her recent visit to Malawi and our Chifundo Cyclone Freddy Appeal 2023.  Please click the title or photo to read it...


Appeal for Women affected by Cyclone Freddy

Cyclone Freddy hit Malawi earlier this month and caused much damage and devastation including in Blantyre where our women's groups are based.  15 of our women have had their houses damaged: walls washed away for example.  We are appealing for money to help them.  Read more...


Chifundo UK Newsletter December 2022

This newsletter containing a summary of the work in 2022 of Chifundo UK and Chanasa in Malawi was sent by email to all our supporters on 17 December 2022.  Click Here to read the newsletter...

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2022 Christmas Craft Fair Enjoyed by All

Chifundo UK held its 2022 Christmas Craft Fair yesterday, 20 November 2022, at Hoole United Reform Church in Chester.  For more and to see more photos Click Here...


Fundraising Coffee Morning Raises over £500

Chifundo UK held a fundraising Coffee Morning on Saturday 24 Septemeber 2022 at Hoole Community Church in Chester.  Just over £ 500 was raised to support the work of Chifundo UK with women and girls in Malawi.  Read more...


Christmas Craft Fair 2021 our Best Ever

Chifundo UK held its regular Christmas Craft Fair on Saturday 20 November 2021 at Hoole Community Church in Chester.

26 stalls were in attendance.  There was a steady flow of people.  It was a great success, perhaps our best ever craft fair.


Lotus Project at Chisawani School

During June and July 2021 Chisawani school has received the Lotus Project.  260 girls received packs and training on Menstrual Health Management from some of the Chanasa Group leaders.  Read more...

